

Plastic & Aesthetic surgery

Plastic & Aesthetic surgery

Plastic – Aesthetic Surgery in Greece

Greece — A top destination for Aesthetics Plastic Procedures

For many years Greece has attracted foreign tourists for its historic centers, romantic sandy beaches, excellent food, music, and hospitality. More recently tourists have found another reason to travel there — Cosmetic Plastic Procedures.

Plastic surgery is now a surgical specialty and has a special prestige and a wide variety of applications such as congenital abnormalities, trauma, burns, surgical oncology and microsurgery. The branch, however, that is currently flourishing and is the center of attention for modern women -as well as many men- is that of aesthetic-cosmetic surgery, which by extending the definition of the term “treatment”, boosts the confidence of the individual and upgrades their quality of life. This is a medical sector that requires high skill and excellent technological medical facilities, in order to achieve the ultimate goal to restore or upgrade the desired operation of the human body.

Nowadays the plastic and cosmetic surgery is more affordable. The new techniques and knowledge gained for minimizing recovery time reduce health care costs and rapid return to everyday life. Furthermore, new medical equipment and machinery, helped make plastic surgery simpler, more secure and available for more people.

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Two of the best surgeons in Greece

Best quality implants (Mentor & Allergan)

Excellent organization for foreign patients

Genesis clinic

Human Reproduction & Genetics

Genesis clinic

Human Reproduction & Genetics

GENESIS Hospital is the largest Obstetrics-Gynecology-Plastic Surgery Hospital in Northern Greece and the only one focused exclusively on Women. It is located in a beautiful natural environment, only a few kilometers from the Thessaloniki international airport (15’ drive). It is one of the few Hospitals in Greece that are certified by TEMOS in accordance with the standard “Quality in International Patient Care” for treating foreign patients, while it has also been certified within 2017 a) with the European standard ΕΝ 15224:2012 and b) with the updated ISO 9001:2015.

GENESIS has a fully equipped, and the unique in Greece, independent Plastic Surgery Department that consists of 5 operating rooms, with 5 daycare beds and 4 patient rooms with two single beds, where renowned Plastic Surgeons apply the most refined techniques and methods, while in the state-of-the-art Cosmetics-Laser and Antiaging Department a variety of issues such as wrinkles, spider veins, unwanted hair growth etc. are treated in the best way possible and exclusively by medical staff. Our partner Plastic Surgeons will listen carefully and offer alternatives for obtaining a realistic effect. The doctors are all members of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of Northern Greece, which is the official monitor and perform all the operations that have been documented scientifically, have been successfully tested and applied worldwide. They are specialized in the USA, Great Britain and Germany, and can speak English fluently.

GENESIS dysponuje w pełni wyposażonym i unikalnym w Europie niezależnym Oddziałem chirurgii plastycznej na który składają się: 5 sal operacyjnych, 5 sal zabiegowych oraz jedno i dwu osobowe sale pobytowe dla pacjentów. Wykonywane są tutaj najbardziej wyrafinowane zabiegi chirurgii plastycznej i kosmetyczno-laserowej. są traktowane w najlepszy możliwy sposób i wyłącznie przez personel medyczny. Wszyscy chirurdzy są członkami krajowych i międzynarodowych Stowarzyszeń Chirurgów Plastycznych. Oficjalnym organem koordynującym jest Stowarzyszenie Chirurgów plastycznych Grecji, potwierdzającym zgodność i jakość wykonywanych zabiegów. Lekarze z Kliniki Genesis to specjaliści wykształceni w USA, Wielkiej Brytanii i Niemczech.

GENESIS Breast Center – Breast Augmentation

Why should I choose GENESIS Hospital for a Breast Augmentation Surgery?


Good and accurate information is the key to success. Contact us in order to schedule an appointment for a medical assessment and clinical advice, without charge. Please find below our main services

Lifting Face and Neck


Rhinoplasty/ Otoplasty

Liposuction/ Abdominoplasty

Hair implantation

Lifting thread (happy lift)

Isolagen (aging process)

Augmentation mammoplasty

Shrinking Mammoplasty

Breast reconstruction

Correction of scars

Gynecomastia correction